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Hortensia Brush

45.00 Sold Out

Edition #1 — Trait Breton 

The pink hydrangeas generously border the Breton stone houses. We come across these big colorful pompoms at every street corner and are often the background of our family pictures. The Bretagne Edition is produced in a very limited number. The brush is handmade in Copenhagen by the craftsmen of Blindes Arbejde with natural horse hair collected on living and healthy Traits Bretons, a local draft horse breed. It can be used to either dust or polish your leather goods. Each brush is unique.

—Beech wood tinted with pigmented linseed oil
—Steel thread
—Beige Mix Trait Breton horsehair


Small marks on the wood and differences in color may appear due to the artisanal process of coloring and producing the brush.

  • Image of Hortensia Brush